Flagship Women in Business (WiB) Program
The WiB program was launched in October 2014 when WCFJC shifted its focus from primarily agricultural-based group initiatives to individual rural and peri-urban women micro entrepreneurs.
Women in Business Program Objectives
- Identify women micro-entrepreneurs who currently belong to a community group organized for business purposes. Support each micro-entrepreneur for 24 months.
- Triple sales of each participating micro enterprise by providing business training / coaching, in-kind loans and access to markets.
- Engage graduating micro-entrepreneurs as field “evangelists” and mentors.
- Equip programme participants with advocacy skills.
WiB Achievements
- 45 WiB direct beneficiaries since 2014, in a variety of businesses including catering, forestry, paper jewelry, beauty salon, poultry rearing, retail trade and tailoring.
- Six revolving-fund loan phases resulting in a total loan portfolio of US$ 4,000.
- 100 percent early payback from beneficiaries in the six loan phases.
- 80 percent of beneficiaries now keep written financial records.
- Four (4) beneficiaries undergoing training as field evangelists / mentors.
- 34percent of beneficiaries demonstrate average of 50percent increase in sales.